Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy describes how McMillan Staff Development collects, holds, uses, discloses and protects personal information in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). McMillan Staff Development is a company limited by guarantee whose primary role is to advance the education and training of it’s clients for the benefit of the community.

McMillan Staff Development is committed to managing your personal information properly, ethically and lawfully, including (where applicable) by providing you with access to your personal information which is held by us.

McMillan Staff Development is able to provide a comprehensive copy of the Privacy Policy on request and provide the below summary for you.


This Privacy Policy describes:

  • The kinds of personal (or business) information that we collect and hold
  • How and why we collect your personal (or business) information
  • How your personal (or business) information is used
  • When and with whom we share your (or business) personal information
  • How you can access and amend your personal (or business) information

Scope of this policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all McMillan Staff Development website product and service users, service providers and employees and any person whose personal information is collected, used stored or disclosed by McMillan.

Information you give to us

Personal information is any information about you, from very sensitive through to everyday information. Examples of the type of personal information collected, used and stored by McMillan Staff Development include names, addresses, contact details, age, date of birth, educational record etc. We may collect your personal information and other information directly from you:

  • Through our online products and services
  • Through email
  • During face to face interviews and discussions
  • Over the telephone
  • When you enquire about or enrol in, one of our programs
  • During the delivery of your training
  • Through you participating in any other McMillan Staff Development program or activity

You have no obligation to provide any information to us. However, failing to do so may affect our ability to deliver our programs or to otherwise interact with you. Any McMillan Staff Development website forms are used to record your consent to McMillan Staff Development collecting and using your personal information. If you provide us with information about other individuals (for example, an emergency contact’s details), we rely on you to:

  • Do so only with their consent
  • Tell them that you are providing their information to us and that their information will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy
  • Tell them how to find and obtain the most recent version of this Privacy Policy

Information we collect from other sources

McMillan Staff Development may also collect personal information and other information about you:

  • From third parties, you have authorised to disclose your information from publicly available sources of information
  • Through digital communications, when you visit the McMillan Staff Development website we collect your personal information from someone other than you, we will take reasonable steps to:
  • Make you aware that we will collect, or have collected, your personal information from another source
  • Inform you about what we will do with your personal information

Automated Information Collection

When you visit the McMillan Staff Development website, our server makes a record of that visit and logs the following information:

  • Your server address
  • The top-level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, .uk)
  • The date and time of the visit to the site
  • The pages accessed and documents downloaded
  • The previous site visited
  • The type of browser used

The data listed above is collected to facilitate website and system administration, including:

  • Monitoring
  • The prevention of security breaches
  • The enhancement of the McMillan Staff Development website to meet users’ needs

Where McMillan Staff Development website contains links to third party websites, McMillan Staff Development accepts no responsibility for the privacy practices of those linked websites. We do not attempt to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of a criminal investigation; for example, where a law enforcement agency has issued a warrant to inspect our server logs.

We do use cookies when people make general visits to the McMillan Staff Development website. Cookies are small text files that may be transferred to your computer’s memory by the servers of some of the websites you visit. Their purpose is to track and store information about a visitor’s usage of a website. If you do not agree with the collection of your information through cookies then it is your responsibility to deactivate the cookie function on your browser prior to using the McMillan Staff Development website. The extent and type of information we receive from users of the McMillan Staff Development website depends on what the user does when visiting the site. Most of the information we collect is statistical only and not used to identify you.

How we use your information

Our business is to provide you with education and training services, as well as other related services and products. In order to do that effectively, we use your information for a range of different purposes, including:

  • To verify your identity
  • To allow you to access and use our online systems (including the McMillan Staff Development website)
  • To communicate with you
  • To provide you with the information, products and/or services that you request from us
  • To assist with the delivery of our programs
  • To administer and promote our programs
  • To personalise your experience on the McMillan Staff Development website
  • To provide support and updates
  • To monitor and assess your performance and training needs
  • To assess whether our programs are meeting your needs
  • To perform research and analysis (including whether our programs meet the needs of primary health care professionals broadly)
  • For the quality improvement of our existing (and new) programs and services
  • For our internal business purposes
  • Subject to your consent, other purposes which we will notify you of from time to time

We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

Organisations we disclose to

Sometimes, we disclose your information to our related entities or individuals or organisations outside McMillan Staff Development. Common situations in which we disclose your information include:

  • Sharing your information with training service providers who deliver McMillan Staff Development training solutions
  • Sharing your information with other organisations as directed by you (for example, in connection with employment applications)
  • Disclosing your information to our contractors and other service providers (for example, in connection with external clinical placements, data management contractors, and marketing and promotional contractors)
  • Where we are legally authorised or required to do so (including disclosing information to courts, tribunals, dispute resolution bodies, or law enforcement and national security agencies)
  • If we believe the disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual, or to public health or safety

Your information overseas?

In some cases, we may disclose your information to organisations, such as our providers of cloud services and website hosting services. These organisations may be based, or have servers, outside Australia. We will only disclose your personal information in compliance with the Privacy Act and APPs and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that those organisations protect and keep confidential the information they receive from us.

Can you request to deal with us without identifying yourself?

We understand that anonymity is an important element of privacy. In most cases, we need to know who you are in order to process and/or manage your application, enquiry, training or request. You can request to deal with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym in relation to certain matters; for example, when making a complaint unless we need to know your identity in order to investigate the complaint (such as in relation to a particular service provided by a training service provider). If it is practicable to deal with us anonymously or under a pseudonym, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide to us anonymously or under a pseudonym is not able to be linked with other information that we may have about you. If you wish to deal with us anonymously or under a pseudonym, please contact McMillan Staff Development and request to speak to our Privacy Officer.

How to access your personal (or business) information

We will provide you with access to personal (or business) information about you which is held by us, subject to the exceptions in the Privacy Act (for example, we may refuse to give you access to your personal information if giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other people, or if your request for access is frivolous or vexatious).

Before giving you access to any information, we will require you to verify your identity in a manner that is reasonable in the circumstances and also to specify the information you wish to access. If we refuse to give you access to your information, we will provide you with reasons for our refusal. For example, if we are not satisfied as to the identity of the requester.

You will not be charged for lodging a request to access your personal (or business) information. Requests for access to information should, in the first instance, be directed by email to our office.

How to update your personal (or business) information

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal (or business) information about you which is held by us is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant. We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible in order to update any information we hold about you.

If we update or amend personal (or business) information about you that we previously disclosed to another entity, and you request that we notify that entity, we will take reasonable steps to give that notification.

If we refuse to update your information, we will provide you with the reasons for our refusal. If you ask us to, we will associate the relevant information with a statement that you have advised that the information is inaccurate or out of date.

How we keep your personal (or business) information secure

McMillan Staff Development uses several physical and electronic security measures to protect personal (or business) information from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. For example, we restrict physical access to our offices, and we use a combination of security containers, firewalls, secure databases, computer user identifiers and passwords to protect personal information held by us.

Emails you send to us are screened by our email security systems and may be viewed by authorised McMillan Staff Development information technology personnel and service providers for security purposes.

All personal information collected and stored by McMillan Staff Development is held for a specified period of time, prior to eventual destruction. Time requirements for retention of personal information may be statutory in nature or, required under contract, or necessary for procedural fairness as determined by McMillan Staff Development. We maintain an active Retention and Destruction schedule setting out retention times for personal and other information. McMillan Staff Development regularly considers and reviews information collected to ensure that we do not collect excessive or irrelevant personal information.

Any data breaches will be treated in the manner set out in the McMillan Staff Development Data Breach Response Plan to contain and reduce the risk of unauthorised access, disclosure or loss of personal information.

Subject to applicable laws and our internal policies, we take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify personal (or business) information about you when we no longer need it.

How you can make a privacy complaint

If you have a concern about the way in which McMillan Staff Development handles your personal information and wish to make a complaint, please contact Ben McMillan, the CEO directly of th eorganisation. 

It is our intention to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. However, if you do not believe that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily, you are entitled to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992 (local call charges apply) or by using the other contact details on the Commissioner’s website. The Commissioner may investigate your complaint further.

If you wish, you can make a complaint directly to the Privacy Commissioner rather than contacting McMillan Staff Development in the first place.

Further information

To find out more about how McMillan Staff Development manages personal information, please contact us using the following details:

McMillan Staff Development Privacy Officer
McMillan Staff Development Pty Ltd
Telephone: 02 6230 0266
Email: [email protected]

For more information on the Privacy Act you may:

We will, from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and any amendments will be notified by posting the updated version on our website.

All personal information about you which is held by us will be governed by our most recent Privacy Policy. If you are unsure about whether you are reading the most current version of our Privacy Policy, please contact us. We can provide a copy of the most current version of our Privacy Policy on request.

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