User Choice Funding

Welcome to the McMillan Staff Development User Choice Funding information page. We are pleased to offer training solutions with funding support available in both the ACT and NSW. This page provides details about the funding options available through the ACT User Choice program and the NSW Smart and Skilled program for Traineeships.

Am I Eligible

To reap the benefits of User Choice Funding, you’ll need to tick these boxes:

  • Minimum 15 years of age
  • Employed in the ACT or NSW (full-time or part-time, no casuals)
  • Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible visa holder
  • Applying for a qualification in the field you're employed in and able to apply the learning in your role
  • Haven't completed the same qualification previously
  • Not already using other funding options like UCF or Skilled Capital
  • *ACT Specific - Not working for the ACT or Australian Government
  • *NSW Specific - New workers only (Employed less than 3 months full-time or 12 months part-time)


of You &
Your Employer

Participating in a program with User Choice Funding isn’t just a golden ticket; it comes with its own set of responsibilities for both you and your employer

  • Your employer needs to back your training journey with User Choice Funding.
  • Your employer must let you attend training and finish homework during regular work hours.
  • You and your employer have to sign a User Choice Funding Training Contract.
  • Once the contract is sorted, we'll help you and your employer create and sign a User Choice Training Plan.
  • Make sure someone at work who's got the same qualification or equivalent experience is supervising you.
  • Stay on track with your learning and assessment.
  • Let us know if there's a change in your job or supervisor, or if you need extra help to complete the course.

Apprenticeship Network Providers

ANPs, contracted by the Australian Government, are your gateway to an Australian Apprenticeship career. 

The first step in your Australian Apprenticeship journey is through ANPs. We’ll send them your details once you’ve signed our McMillan declaration form. They’ll then contact you to sort out a formal Training Contract.

To find out more about ANP’s or to find one near you, follow this link –

Ready to Level Up Your Skills?

Most of our qualifications can be delivered through User Choice Funding, offering you a golden opportunity to advance in your career. 

Career Support

Contact Us Now

Our team is here to assist you and your employees throughout the training process. Feel free to contact us for further details.

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